Saturday, November 22, 2008


by Chase Langdon

In a nutshell nihilism is the philosophy that existence is meaningless or nothing. I myself have always found this philosophy to be pretty bogus and irrational. It seems that it is not applicable to the real world, or is it?

I recently have been thinking a lot on this idea of nihilism. It may not be all that irrational. I have an (most likely not original) idea of Nihilism that makes a lot of sense to me, and guess what fellers... 'ol Chasey-poo is gonna share wicha!

My hypothesis is existence has no meaningless within itself. It has no pure meaning alone. Just being alive in in this world has no sanctity. There is no sanctity of life itself but its the goals, desires, and consciousness of a person that has meaning, not merely existing.

This comes a lot from the idea that a fetus is not a person and there for has no right to life. A person that desires not to live anymore has no right to life, unless those desires come back and give the being meaning again. My idea of nihilism is one that can be changed from situation to situation or person to person or being to being. If there is no meaning, existence doesn't give it any, its just there.

Existence has no meaningless within itself. Only the desires and self-consciousness of a person can give it such meaning but without that it would be nothing but dead air. In this sense, nihilism works and is applicable to real life. In this sense, nihilism makes a lot of sense... to me anyway.

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