Sunday, June 8, 2008

Free Speech Machine

By Chase Langdon

Free speech, it is a right that is so often looked down upon. As Americans, as a democracy this is a very important right. As Americans we can say what we want when we want where we want an there is nothing that anybody can do about it. A fellow American can kick us out of their bar or make us leave their store, but the government cannot arrest us for what we say or think.

Free speech is one thing that keeps us separated from the totalitarian governments setting us apart from oppression. This is what this online zine, blog, newspaper, or whatever you would call is for, I'm just going to call it "a free speech engine." Every thing that you can think or say is worthy of being thought or said, just for the simple fact that it is your own. The word copyright is misconceived by most. Once a thought is thought by anybody it is copyrighted at that instant, but of course there is no way to prove it without buying a document saying such information.

Bottom line, use your right for speech and thinking, it will make you happy to know that you cannot be told what to think or say ever again. You will never be the same, I promise!

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