Saturday, July 4, 2009

Assisted Suicide, what's the big deal?!

by Chase Langdon

When an animal gets sick and starts to die, it would be unethical to let it suffer understandably. So we euthanize them to put them out of much pain. We also kill them and pump them with harmful steroids and breed them for slaughter. It is considered unethical to to euthanize humans out of their pain instead we pay tax dollars to keep them alive as long as possible even in much pain! even if they want to die! It is also illegal and unethical to kill humans understandably.

I just don't understand what is the philosophy against put humans out of their misery, but we can for animals...but we can kill animals all we want but not humans. I think that assisted suicide is ethical because it is UNETHICAL to someone suffer if they do not wish to do so just the same as it is for animals. Killing Animals is a whole different story, I feel it is unethical but now isn't the time to get into animal rights. I'm mostly trying to enlighten people on true ethical thinking.

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